Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Monday 2/25

Location: Ridley Creek State Park
Weather: Sunny, 40s

Lucked out with another warm day on one of my afternoons off. Ran into Natalie and Meredith on the way to the car; both times I was so far gone into ipod-land that they had to yell and wave to get noticed. Maybe it's time to cut back...

Responding to an advertisement for the first time in...forever?..., I stopped by Great Clips on the pike. There was nobody in sight as I entered but a bored-looking woman came out from the back, offered unnatural greetings ("Welcome to Great Clips!"), took detailed personal information, and we were on our way. I was worried about having to describe my haircut, such as it is, to somebody new after getting it cut exclusively by Steve for 10+ years, but that part went fine. It was almost like that sort of thing happens all the time, or something, can't tell for sure.

From GC, there was no good reason to do anything but take the Pike to Media and N. Providence Road, etc, from there. Got to crank some Stone Temple Pilots thanks to the good folks over at WMMR. Unfortunately, no Foobrurary references.

10 minutes later, I parked at the again-empty lot #16 and after a few mishaps was headed down the Red Trail. It was plenty warm enough for exposed snow to vanish, but the trees were blocking out a lot of the sunlight and there wasn't much melting. Snow or no snow are both fine, but it was nice to not have much mud. Once again, lost the trail at lot #17 and had to walk up the bike path a ways to find it again. I know there's another way after coming from the other direction, but must be missing a key sign or two. No big deal.

After reading Starhawk for ES, I had planned to try and walk more "in the moment", focusing on the sensual experience rather than getting lost in thoughts, listening for birds, the wind, and the like. The crunching snow made this pretty hard, or at least that's what I'm telling the authorities...that it's so hard to focus just on sensations probably means that it's worth doing.

Coming back, I once again failed miserably at finding a way from PA 252 back to Avondale Road. I knew I needed to take a left soon after Plush Mill Road, but the first such left got me into a residential development with no real outlet. After three cul-de-sacs and a couple of inquisitive dog-walkers (who's coming here from Maine?) I was back on 252. The next left was the correct one, but I got screwed up at the train station and ended up headed towards Crum Creek Manor on Brookhaven Rd. They should just name something Brookstrathcrumroseprovidencedale Rd. and get it over with. At least I finally figured out where the Wallingford train stop is.

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