I just can't get enough of the title song - mellow songs that pack a punch are so cool!
Some Sporcle quizzes for New Hampshire fans:
Name the state's incorporated cities: http://www.sporcle.com/games/itchynip/nh_cities. This one is a doozy. 10 is a good result, any more means you've studied this before or are a freak.
This one is an amusing sideshow to the above: http://www.sporcle.com/games/hawkeye2/nh_largest_cities. I think the creator just picked off the top 10 cities in population, but it's funny to see Claremont and Lebanon classified as "major" while Somersworth, Berlin, and Franklin are left out. I prefer to think of it as the NH-120 connection running deep.
A hard one, but you'll learn something: http://www.sporcle.com/games/Athena13/the603. For example, I had no idea that "demonym" means "the resident of a locality". Too bad New Hampshire doesn't lend itself to something like "Mainiac"; apparently "New Hampshirite" is the best that can be done. At least it sounds like a rock.
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