Location: Chester Co-op
Weather: Sunny, low 40s
Being able to leave the car at Ben West over weekends is so huge. Rolled into Parrish Circle around 11:40 and tried to people watch without being caught until Yusha and Roger showed up a few minutes later. No trouble with lane drops or unexpected trips to Widener this time, and we parked on Sproul St in front of a Jeremiah Trotter Edition SUV. They couldn't get Trent Cole?
Everybody at the co-op was really friendly, and I managed to stay mostly busy weighing produce and writing up orders. Business was pretty light--we were assured that it had been busier earlier--but a few interactions were honest-to-goodness representations of what the whole co-op idea is about.
A lone guy, apparently a frequent shopper, came in and revealed that he was still not a member because of "the up-front cash" ($200). Someone reminded him of the payment plan ($20/month for 10 months or something different on a case-by-case basis), and they had a spirited discussion of the need for people to invest themselves in the movement and the potential external benefits of being part of a large community of food buyers. The guy wasn't totally convinced but, after playing the "skeptic" part well, he was at least partially converted.
Then, a member came in with his twin sons, and they ran around ooohing and aaahing at all the vegetables and playing with a little girl who was already there. Meanwhile, their dad made friendly arrangements to get somebody to cover his next work shift. Teamwork baby!
Oh, and one guy bought about five pounds of grapes. If that sounds like a lot, it is.
I got to stand in the bed of a pickup and pack empty boxes and crates after closing. Unfortunatley, I didn't get to go for a feet-dangling ride, but there were still some powerful waves of summer.
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